
Install Memcached Windows Xampp
Install Memcached Windows Xampp

Multiple PHP Versions and version switcher.For easy access, all configuration files are stored in one place: WinNMP\conf and all log files are stored in one folder: WinNMP\log.PORTABLE: you can move it to a different location, configuration files are updated automatically.Tools: mysql client, php console, composer, acmePhp, hostsEditor, putty, mailToDisk.A single installer for both x86 and 圆4 systems, with 32bit and 64bit versions of MariaDB, PHP and WinNMP Manager.Easy to upgrade! Backups, configuration files, database data, included libraries and projects are persistent during upgrades (not overwritten).WinNMP Manager (32/64bit), formerly known as WTServer.WP-CLI command-line interface for WordPress.HTTPS using free LetsEncrypt certificates.XDebug, GeoIP, Gender, Mongodb PHP Extensions.Redis 5.0 Cache/NoSql, memcached alternative (64bit).MongoDB 4.2.17 document-based database (64bit).MariaDB 10.4.21 database server, mysql 5.5.5 replacement (32/64bit).And most importantly, it dosen't waste your time! Current Package contains: You can even move it after instalation and it will still work. It works out-of-the-box and it is safe to install it over a previous version, or in a folder with spaces or special characters. Unlike other development stacks, WinNMP doesn't require any aditional software, it includes all runtime libraries.

Install Memcached Windows Xampp